02 Jul 2024
by Martin Franke

Euralarm to participate in AI Pact

The Board of Euralarm has decided to participate in the AI Pact. This initiative encourages and supports organisations to plan for the implementation of AI Act measures.

Recently the AI Act was approved. Some provisions in this act will  apply shortly after the adoption of the regulation. However, some requirements on the high-risk AI systems and other provisions will only be applicable at the end of the transitional period.

In this context, the European Commission is promoting the AI Pact, seeking the industry’s voluntary commitment to anticipate the AI Act and to start implementing its requirements ahead of the legal deadline. To gather participants, the first call for interest was launched in November 2023, obtaining responses from over 550 organisations of various sizes, sectors, and countries. The AI Office has since initiated the development of the AI Pact, which is structured around two pillars.

The first one acts as a gateway to engage the AI Pact network (those organisations that have expressed an interest in the Pact), encourages the exchange of best practices, and provides practical information on the AI Act implementation process. The second pillar encourages AI system providers and deployers to prepare early and take actions towards compliance with requirements and obligations set out in the legislation.

During the meetings of the AI Pact the standard development by CEN/CENELEC will be discussed. It is expected to be completed by February 2025​. There will also be a limited Q&A session, primarily addressing governance topics. There will not be a specific label for AI conformity, just the CE  marking for high-risk AI systems, and there is an obligation to register the company in a data base which can be publicly consulted.

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