Fire protection for all

The Euralarm Extinguishing Section, covers existing, new and emerging active technologies involving automatic extinguishing systems, oxygen reduction systems, portable equipment and firefighting agents. 

Automatic extinguishing systems includes gas, water mist, powder, aerosol and foam systems. Portable equipment includes portable fire extinguishers and other manual means of firefighting. Firefighting agents include any firefighting media uses in automatic extinguishing systems and portable equipment.

Alan Elder

Alan Elder

Chair Extinguishing Section

Gerd Hülsen

Gerd Hülsen

Vice chair Extinguishing Section

Strengthening the industry through cooperation

Working in an international playing field, requires cooperation. The Extinguishing section acts as a platform for collaboration between companies in the industry to formulate and put across common views. The section advocates its positions towards the European Commission on policies, legislation and regulations that affect our industry and towards other relevant stakeholders to promote the techhnologies that are covered by our Section. As part of its networking function, the section works to maintain and develop close contacts with other organisations and associations which are active in the European and international extinguishing market.

Close eye on emerging technologies

We monitor the technical, political trends and take action to guide, influence their development and improve them. This is done together with a diverse number of stakeholders in Europe, we collaborate on finding solutions for
today’s challenges, such as CPR and pan European testing as well as tomorrow’s challenges for fire safety in a digitised world. 

Making our industry attractive

Together with the other Euralarm sections the Extinguishing section is committed to attracting new talent and making our industry attractive for newcomers. Working in the Fire extinguishing  industry means working in  a world of rapidly changing technology. The fire safety industry is a diverse, open and welcoming world where the future is shaped and careers are created.



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